for joyful encouragement: @annalisavsawtell

Truth Cards for Kids: A New Resource

Truth Cards for Kids: A New Resource


Walk children ages 3-12 through a year of simple, beautiful truths as they learn to love the Lord with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength.

These botanically-designed cards contain sweet, encouraging truths in language that is basic and concrete enough for a toddler—with scripture memory and cross-references to hold the attention of older studiers. Pretty enough for moms to want to keep them on their counter, and simple enough to cover over breakfast or while moseying through a pickup line.

The front of each card contains a key truth, a memory verse, and a cross-reference to explore. The back of the card has the first letter of each word in the memory verse, to aid memorization.

Note: These truths proclaim what is true for the believer. I.e. Our sins are forgiven. -or- We are God’s child. These beautiful truths specially regard us in Christ


These cards are functional for all ages. For those looking for additional guidance, below are some suggestions for how to encourage your children with these cards.

(I find that the more I personally soak up God’s love and truth, the more organically I am able to share it with my children. Consider how each truth directly impacts your own heart, or ask God to show you it’s beauty… let this set the stage for drawing your children into the love of Christ.)

  • For littles ages 3-4, focus on the key truth. Keep it simple, and fun!

    • Monday-Friday: Go through the key truth.

  • For kiddos ages 5-8, focus on the key truth, along with the memory verse. Be sure to define advanced vocabulary beforehand. If you choose to do the cross-references, spend time together reading and discussing the scripture’s connection to the key truth.

    • Monday-Tuesday: Go through through the key truth.

    • Wednesday-Thursday: Review truth. Go through memory verse.

    • Friday (optional): Go through the cross-reference together.

  • For children ages 9 and up, focus on the key truth, along with the memory verse, and encourage them to explore the cross-references. Make connections together about how it relates to the key truth, giving them opportunities to think critically.

    • Monday-Tuesday: Go through through the key truth.

    • Wednesday-Thursday: Review truth. Memorize the scripture verse.

    • Friday: Have your child explore the cross-reference and share any connections.


This deck of beautiful, textured cards contains 52 beautiful and encouraging truths for kids broken into four categories:

  • HEART: the heart of the Gospel, God’s love for us, and our identity as his children

  • SOUL: matters of faith that sustain our souls in both dry and abundant seasons

  • MIND: practical wisdom to shape our minds as we aim to operate in the way of Jesus

  • STRENGTH: actionable steps that characterize christians in their conduct

Children will begin by internalize key truths about the God who loves them, and the Savior that gave his life for them. For us in Christ, our identity as God’s children influences the way we approach life. And our understanding of his extravagant grace can have a weighty impact on one’s interest to orient our lives around his wisdom and precepts. For this reason, we begin with the heart.

For matters of the soul, it’s important to remember that so much of our lives of faith are driven by belief rather than what we can see with our own eyes. It’s crucial for children (and adults alike) to understand how we can have faith in solid Biblical Truths even when life circumstances waver and sway. Your children will learn how to pray when things get hard, and trust God’s character is good even when challenges arise. May each of our little (and big!) ones remain steadfast in faith, knowing that it’s by our faith that our souls are held securely for eternity.

Addressing our minds is crucial when it comes to moving from faith to action. Many actions begin internally as we form credences regarding the nature of this world and how we are to operate in it. May we heed the words of Proverbs 4:6:

“Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you;
    love her, and she will watch over you.” Proverbs 4:6 NIV

In regards to our children, there are so many incredible proverbs and wise precepts in the Bible that can help them to practically grow in understanding from a Biblical perspective. Broken down into the simplest of language, there is applicable truth for even the littlest ones to help their minds grow and flourish as God’s beloved.

Finally, the extravagant love of Jesus—washing over us, transforming us—was always meant to be an overflow into the world around us. It’s said so wonderfully in 1 John 3:18:

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18 NIV

So much of our instructions as New Covenant believers operating in our Christian walk boils down to these two commands: love God and love others. We trust God and his order—the way he has orchestrated things to operate smoothly and well—and we extend his beautiful grace to the world around us, living benevolently as we choose to act for the good of others. May we walk in humility, Christlikeness, compassion, and care as we use the strength of our bodies for the sake of the kingdom.


Overall, I pray that this new resource helps your children to walk out Mark 12:30, in which Jesus instructs this:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12:30 NIV

Blessings on you around your breakfast tables, sitting in the pickup lines, and any other places you choose to break out these adorable cards to instruct your children in the steadfast love of God.

Grab yours here:

PRO TIP: These cards store (or display) beautifully in a business card holder. You might like to try this one, or this one.

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