Hello, and nice to meet you!
That name, Annalisa, means “graced with God’s bounty”, and while those words describe my life (and yours) so perfectly, it’s taken awhile for me to truly understand that grace.
Our world is full of abundance and color. The goodness of God permeates creation and capturing small glimpses of that goodness, through artwork and gospel-centered writing, is what it’s all about for me. We are truly graced with God’s bounty everyday.
The more we learn about the true gospel, the more we understand the extravagant goodness of God—put gloriously on display through Jesus. That is the biggest aim of my writing—that people would know the good truth. The truth about God’s gigantic love for his people, how he has arranged and manufactured each human like an architect purposefully laying out his plans and creating a masterpiece. I hope people will understand the truth about sin, so that they can turn and taste the ultimate freedom held out for them by faith in the cross.
There is so much more I could say here, but check out the writings page for more specific topics. Just know that this is a place that isn’t going to lay heavy burdens on you—it’s a place of freedom, grace, love, and the good truth.
Finally, may the artwork you find here be both calming and colorful. I used to think that I had to choose one or the other—but like so many beloved elements of this world, from gardens to wide open fields, things can be both docile and upliftingly colorful. Think long deep breaths, wide eyes, and soft smiles. That’s what I want my artwork to feel like for you.
Anyways, this seems like a good time to add that I’m the wife of a wonderful man named Brian, and we have two cute little boys who fill our home with laughter, hot wheel cars, sticky hands, and a whole lot of love.
Enjoy your time exploring, and please don’t hesitate to contact me for anything, from hellos to collaborations… I’d love to hear from you.
Oh yeah! And get on the mailing list!! There’s really good stuff in there.
xo! Annalisa
Enjoy this beautiful video by Rise Film Co.