for joyful encouragement: @annalisavsawtell

Praise the God of Life and Vibrancy!

Praise the God of Life and Vibrancy!

I woke up one morning and walked into my kitchen. It was one of those special mornings that I had cleaned the entire space well the night before. I share that to say that it was a nice space to be in. Nothing about it was bad.

However, I got this idea to make my coffee and step onto our front step and sit there awhile. (Well, for as long as I had until my kids woke up! A mom never truly knows!)

So, I poured coffee into my favorite mug, (which was one of my spoils from a Christmas exchange years back… I fought tooth and nail for this Paris mug from Anthropologie. I have no regrets.)

I stepped outside and my heart wasn’t prepared for what met me.

The only way I could describe it is that God opened my eyes for how I was stepping into life.

I stepped out of the confines of my home, and into the outdoors. Instantly, I felt a gentle breeze sweep my face. My ears were attuned to bird chirping, frogs croaking, and the whisper of the wind in the trees. The air was fragrant with sweet dew and freshly budding trees, and the remains of a decadent sunrise graced the skies, and my heart began to sing.

A verse that will forever impact me is Romans 1:20, which tells us that God is made known through his creation.

He is a God of life and vibrancy. We may be safe and confined in the four walls of our homes, or offices. And of course, God’s presence may be known indoors as well… but there is no denying that the vibrant, gentle, and immersive ways of God are experienced in a profound way the moment we step beyond those walls.

You can’t step into creation without experiencing it. It is immersive. It is joyful. It is both peaceful, yet unpredictable.

I hope you’re able to steal away into the beauty of all God has made today—and that you’re able experience the full, immersive, enticing, colorful, soothing ways of God.

Cheers to Ten Years: Reflections on the Goodness of God

Cheers to Ten Years: Reflections on the Goodness of God

An Invitation to Light Living (A Look at 1 John 1)

An Invitation to Light Living (A Look at 1 John 1)