for joyful encouragement: @annalisavsawtell

A Look at the Sunflower: How Looking to God Makes Us Shine

A Look at the Sunflower: How Looking to God Makes Us Shine

If you’ve ever walked past a field of sunflowers, you may have noticed how each of the sunflower’s blooms all turn the same direction. This flower is designed to seek out the sun for its nutrients and for optimal growth.

Sunlight serves up so much goodness in our world, that it’s no wonder why in John 8:12, Jesus refers to himself as the light of the world.

Light is known for its warmth and life-giving nature. It feeds plants and serves humankind by boosting serotonin levels (and in turn uplifting moods, and bringing focus and calm).

In Matthew 5:25, we see Jesus helping people understand the loving and generous nature of God by noting that God causes the sun to shine on both evil and good people.

God is loving. And we love others because we have first seen God’s love. When a person has received the light of Christ, it’s only natural to let that light overflow onto those surrounding them.

But it can be hard. Jesus knew there was a temptation to not shine our light, which might be why he encouraged people in Matthew 5:14 by telling them that they are the light of the world. He tells them to not hide their light, but to choose to shine.

In fact, when people do good deeds, it actually increases God’s glory. When people see your light and goodness, it points to God’s light and goodness.

So, in what ways might you shine your light?

Ephesians 2:10 is a beautiful verse that speaks to this because it describes how we are crafted by God:

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Let’s break down that word handiwork: quite literally, it means “a thing that has been made” or a thing that has a creator”. Some versions even use the word masterpiece. Others translate that word as poetry.

There’s another place in the Bible this particular word is used, and it’s in Romans 1:20, which tells us that since the creation of the world, God’s qualities have been seen and known through what has been made. Again, it’s that idea that God is known through his creation.

Letting his creation breathe, and be, and shine, brings Him glory. Because he made it!

You. Were. Made. With. Purpose. With intentionality and by design.

Consider what makes you unique: what makes you sing? What makes you tick? What skills do you have? What has your life experience been? What people groups are you drawn to? What do you like to read, or watch, or do?

We are vastly different from one another, and if we look at the diversity of creation, it would seem that God delights in these variances.

We don’t walk in the way Jesus has for us by trying to copy the Christianity of our neighbor. God has plans for you. And plans for them! He has plans that he actually has laid out for quite some time. You have been crafted especially for his purposes. I hope that fills your heart with a sense of hope and great value.

What are some other ways people might vary?

Do you enjoy serving with children? Are you passionate about orphans? About making gospel connections in the workplace? Are there neighbors you really enjoy? People whose stories break your heart and fill you with compassion? Do you feel a fire for the local church? Do you dream of teaching? Or love to do the behind-the-scenes work?

Do you bring forth the kingdom of God by creating order and beauty in the world around you? Do you tend, caretake, and rule in the arena God has called you to?

There are so many directions this can go, but the point is, that God has made us all uniquely and placed us right where we are. He has plans for us. He made us.

So next time you’re tempted to think that you should be hiding who you are, or what you like, or how you feel called to serve, consider the sunflower.

The sunflower is continually turning its face to the sun as it grows to new heights. We also, get to look to our light source, Jesus, and grow in the design he has for us. We can believe that he made us wonderful, because his Word tells us that. (Psalm 139)

Look to Jesus. We find him in the Word, in Creation, and in God’s people who are reported all through Scripture as gifted to help one another grow and strengthen and learn in order to attain the fullness that Christ has in store for them. (Ephesians 4:12-13)

As believers, he’s in our hearts. We are made as new creations in Christ and he causes us to will and to act in order to fulfill his purposes.

Philippians 2:13 (Amplified Version) puts it this way:

For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose] for His good pleasure.

May you be filled with the light of Christ, and shine on the world around you.

See the sunflower card, and seven other botanical beauties in the boxed set below!

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The Greatest Gift of Jesus: A Christmas Writing

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