for joyful encouragement: @annalisavsawtell

Cultivating Quiet: An Introduction

Cultivating Quiet: An Introduction

I’m afraid, as a society, we have traded in the song of the Spirit for radio static.

The beautiful reality that surrounds us—the truth of God’s love, provision, generosity, and grace—gets drowned out by cheap thrills and malevolent distractions.

And I’m not willing to go down without a fight. As Christians, we are armed with every tool we need to push back against the noise of the present age with all the truth and power available to us in Jesus.

The series ahead is titled “Cultivating Quiet”, and while it may sound soft and sweet, it’s actually a battle cry! This series is an invitation to take back the peace, the joy, and the song that Christ gave his all to fill your life with.

This series is about armoring up against lies and boldly setting boundaries. It’s about pressing into the voice of God and living in the beautiful Spiritual narrative that is ours as believers in Jesus.

Stepping into stillness gives your heart space to hear the soul-filling songs that surround us.

To venture into quiet spaces is to give you a greater opportunity to really soak in the kind and gentle realities of God. For example: by the power of the Holy Spirit, we are reminded of lavish gifts passed onto us through Jesus. (1 Corinthians 2:12) As believers, we are whispered the secret thoughts of God straight into our hearts. (1 Corinthians 2:10) Furthermore, the Spirit tells our hearts that we are securely held in God’s family, as his beloved child. (Romans 8:16)

If this is just a microscopic preview of the truths our souls are being spoken, why can it feel so hard to hear it sometimes?

Because, my friend, we are in a battle. And the enemy we are fighting hates peace, joy, rest, and every other good thing of God. Lest we fret, remember: the ultimate war has already been won.

As Paul tells us in the book of Philippians, we get to take hold of that for which Jesus took hold of us! He has already gained us Spiritual Victory and we are citizens of heaven. (Notice the verb tenses there.) So then, in this world, we are privileged with the call to invite God’s kingdom to come as we embrace his truth and ways in every area of our life.

So often, our battle begins in quiet places where our souls are able to hear and be reminded of the powerful truth that fuels our journeys.

So then, let’s not roll over and get pummeled on this side of eternity! Let’s fight for quiet. Let’s fight for truth. Let’s fight for the ground we have been given in Christ! Amen?!

If you were looking for a cutesy little series about birds chirping and soft, still waters… don’t worry… we will get there. But only after we take up our armor and fight for that beautiful space.

Here’s what we will cover in the series ahead:

  • Part 1: Praying to the Rescuer: Inviting the Power of God

  • Part 2: Spiritual Armor: Clothing Yourself in the Gospel

  • Part 3: Exposing Common Lies that Steal Our Peace

  • Part 4: Practical Boundaries for the Deeper Life

  • Part 5: Living A Full Life in the Spirit

As the end of this journey, I believe what you’ll find is that God hasn’t been hiding from you. He is an ever-present source of love and goodness, and I hope this series enables you to shove some of the blockers out of the way that you might be able to truly taste and see the beauty of God all around you.

Let’s go!

Cultivating Quiet: Enlisting Help from the Rescuer of Souls

Cultivating Quiet: Enlisting Help from the Rescuer of Souls

Praying for Loved Ones: Inspiration from Paul’s Letters

Praying for Loved Ones: Inspiration from Paul’s Letters