Hello! So happy you’re here! My name is Annalisa and I’m an artist and writer living in Excelsior, Minnesota.

I view my work as a celebration of grace; in both art and writing, my hope is to highlight the intricate beauties of God’s goodness with a keen eye and playful amount of flair.

When I’m not creating, you can find me cooking up something Italian or enjoying God's abundance in creation with my husband, Brian, and two littles, Ezra and Asher.


I believe that the Gospel—the good news of who Jesus is and all he offers us—is the most beautiful truth in the world.

As we aim to walk out our faith, we undoubtedly encounter obstacles along the way: my hope is that the writing you find here untangles sticky webs of confusion, sheds light on areas that feel dark or foggy, and enlightens your heart to celebrate the most glorious gift of Jesus.

Let’s toss some confetti where grace and truth collide: may we rejoice in the discovering of that place, and embrace it for the splendor it is.


I used to think I had to pick a lane with my artwork: calming or colorful. But like so many things in creation—a wildflower field, lush, tropical beaches, or a well-cultivated garden—I hope you’ll find it to be both.

Some products (such as Bible studies and Scripture memory cards) aim to aid you in your Christian walk. Other items (like art prints and stationery) find their purpose in your simple delight.

At the core, all you find here is a celebration of what God has so graciously given to us: Jesus himself, his wonderful Word… a wide array of colors, lights and lines, and an entire world of inspiration.