for joyful encouragement: @annalisavsawtell

Radiant Hope: Standing Up Against Shame

Radiant Hope!

Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

—Psalm 34:5

Shame gives me the shivers. It’s vile, dark, dirty, dishonest, and it has the ability to sap a soul’s strength with just a touch of its presence.

Shame could be described as the painful humiliation associated with one’s own guilt or shortcomings. And while there is wisdom in knowing that all humans will inevitably fall short of God’s holy ways, it’s crucial to remember the incredible God we serve and his mighty power to save us from ourselves.

Shame, even in its most menacing ways, stands no chance against the of power God. This is why the verse above is so beautiful and worth singing once again:

Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. Psalm 34:5

What would it look like for you to soak in this truth and unburden yourself from the shame that Jesus sacrificed his very life to take from you?

Let’s begin with this gentle reminder: releasing shame doesn’t mean pretending we are faultless, but rather it means embracing the magnitude of who God is and his loving ability to restore brokenness.

  • Where shame sends our hearts the message that we’re irreparably bad, God’s word proclaims that we are wonderfully made, and that God sent his Son as a sacrifice to provide our ultimate redemption. (Psalm 139:14)

  • Where shame says we have screwed up beyond repair, or that we are too far gone, we can cling to the truth that nothing is beyond God’s ability to restore.

  • Where shame cruelly calls us unlovable, we can remember that even in our darkest hour, God loved us and stopped at nothing to win our wayward souls back. (Romans 5:8)

You see, shame is a liar. Shame lies to the children of God. It tells us a false narrative and tries to hide the truth of the gospel that our sin was once-and-for-all atoned for by Jesus, and that we are now living in restored relationship with the God of the Universe.

Clinging to the hope held out in the gospel is shame’s kryptonite. Remembering who God is, and his ability to work in our lives, renders it powerless in its tracks. Proclaiming who we are in light of God’s redemption leaves it cowering in the corner like the weak and defenseless entity that it is!

By the power of the cross, God’s love has been poured into our hearts. Hope speaks to our redemption and restoration. Hope doesn’t put us to shame. Hope reminds us that there is a hero who enters into our desperate story, and tells us over-and-over-again that this paramount hero is after the whole victory. (Romans 5:5)

Hope offers us a hand and lifts up our head.

But you, Lord, are a shield around me,
my glory, the One who lifts my head high. Psalm 3:3

In moments where brokenness, sin, and painful circumstances feel like they’re too much to bear, I hope you are able to find comfort in remembering the love and power of God, and the eternal redemption he offers those lovingly called his.

May we enjoy his radiance, and be radiant. May our faces shine with the extravagant love of Christ, and may that light be an invitation to the world around us.

Love and hope to you!

Your Story for His Glory: Rejoicing in Remembering Whose You Are